Tangier Island Terrain360 Map Collection

Tangier is a town in Accomack County, Virginia, United States, on Tangier Island in the Chesapeake Bay. The population was 727 at the 2010 census. Since 1850, the island's landmass has been reduced by 67%. Under the mid-range sea level rise scenario, much of the remaining landmass is expected to be lost in the next 50 years and the town will likely need to be abandoned. The people who came to settle the island permanently arrived in the 1770s and were farmers. In the late 19th century, the islanders began to become more dependent on harvesting crabs and oysters from the Chesapeake Bay. As the waterman livelihood became more important and more lucrative, there were often conflicts among the oyster dredgers and oyster tongers in the bay, and between those living in Maryland and those living in Virginia. Many people who live in Tangier speak a distinctive dialect of American English. Various scholars have disputed how much of the dialect is derived from British English lexicon and phonetics. Linguist David Shores has noted that, while it may sound like a British variety of English, the dialect is a distinct creation of its own time and place off the eastern shore of Virginia. The persistence of this dialectal variety is often attributed to the geographic isolation of the population from the mainland. Tangier Island is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Canton rd (0.38 mi)

37.822933, -75.991515
Canton rd

Factory rd (0.39 mi)

37.822779, -75.991663
Factory rd

Hilda Crockett rd (0.04 mi)

37.825098, -75.991774
Hilda Crockett rd

Hog Ridge rd (0.12 mi)

37.817351, -75.997407
Hog Ridge rd

John Al Ln (0.06 mi)

37.827201, -75.992956
John Al Ln

Long Bridge Rd (0.15 mi)

37.828676, -75.992651
Long Bridge Rd

Main Ridge Rd (0.46 mi)

37.82925, -75.992757
Main Ridge Rd

Parsonage Ln (0.04 mi)

37.829047, -75.992578
Parsonage Ln

Pat Day Ln (0.08 mi)

37.8267, -75.991986
Pat Day Ln

Public Beach (0.27 mi)

37.814607, -75.996292
Public Beach

Rayville ln (0.08 mi)

37.82785, -75.992282
Rayville ln

School ln (0.24 mi)

37.827614, -75.991103
School ln

Tangier Airport (0.75 mi)

37.828822, -75.99721
Tangier Airport

Thomas Rd (0.06 mi)

37.828286, -75.9923
Thomas Rd

Twin John ln (0.03 mi)

37.826166, -75.992056
Twin John ln

Wallace rd (0.19 mi)

37.825685, -75.992036
Wallace rd

West Ridge rd (0.82 mi)

37.818902, -75.997034
West Ridge rd

East Channel (1.68 mi)

37.816883, -75.991868
East Channel

Factory Rd Creek (0.06 mi)

37.82079, -75.995228
Factory Rd Creek

Fishing Gut (0.89 mi)

37.833242, -75.985823
Fishing Gut

Hog Ridge Creek (0.59 mi)

37.820272, -75.995095
Hog Ridge Creek

North Channel (0.75 mi)

37.832293, -75.997917
North Channel

North Channel (0.66 mi)

37.841308, -75.991295
North Channel

Port Isobel (0.7 mi)

37.833973, -75.98242
Port Isobel

Port Isobel West (0.51 mi)

37.833625, -75.981688
Port Isobel West

Southern Tip (0.77 mi)

37.814743, -75.992772
Southern Tip

Tangier East (0.84 mi)

37.831035, -75.98645
Tangier East

Toms Gut (3.16 mi)

37.831473, -75.991493
Toms Gut

West Ridge Creek (0.93 mi)

37.814632, -75.993015
West Ridge Creek

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Tangier Shoreline West

A close up view of disappearing shoreline.

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Conservation Partner

Chesapeake Conservancy 
Jody Couser 
716 Giddings Avenue Suite 42 
Annapolis, MD 21401
(443) 321 3610